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The Standards Committee is the panel that reviews and determines ICCBBA technical policies. The group also reviews all documents prior to publication. The Standards Committee comprises the chairs of select ICCBBA Technical Advisory Groups, others selected for their knowledge of the practical application of ISBT 128, and ICCBBA staff. This committee determines which Technical Advisory Group will address specific technical questions and provides guidance to ICCBBA on technical issues.

Summary of Recent Activity

Meeting Info

No face-to-face meetings are currently scheduled for Standards Committee.

TAG Members


• Wayne Bolton


• Paul Ashford - ICCBBA Executive Director
• Debbie Barnett - MBTAG Chair
• Wayne Bolton - APTAG, TAG-IT Chair
• Suzanne Butch - ATAG Chair
• Jørgen Georgsen - Technical Expert
• Martin Hildebrandt - RMTAG Chair
• Jelena Holovati - NATTAG Chair
• Karen Moniz - ICCBBA Technical Director
• Mario Muon - EMATAG Chair
• Diego Ponzin - EBTAG Chair
• Leigh Sims Poston - Technical Expert
• Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach - Technical Expert
• Zbigniew Szczepiorkowski - CTCLAG Chair
• Kelly Tilleman - ARTTAG Chair
• Izabela Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewicz - ETTAG, ITTAG Chair

Technical Experts

• N/A


• N/A


• N/A

ICCBBA Staff Liaison

• Karen Moniz

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