North America Tissue Technical Advisory Group
The North America Tissue Technical Advisory Group (NATTAG) was formed in 2006. Its members are from the US and Canada. This regional TAG operates under the direction and guidance of the International Tissue Technical Advisory Group (ITTAG).
The purpose of NATTAG is to:
Develop a consensus on the detailed implementation of ISBT 128 in North America and maintain a North America consensus document for the use of ISBT 128 on tissues;
Contribute towards the international standardization of tissue terminology and product naming;
Provide advice and support to facilities introducing the ISBT 128 Standard in North America;
Advise on the on-going development of the ISBT 128 standard to support new developments in tissue banking in North America;
Prepare educational material and tools to support the implementation of ISBT 128 in North America; and
Promote the adoption of the ISBT 128 Standard in tissue banking in North America.
NATTAG members have been invited to participate in the survey Traceability of Recovered Human Tissues. This brief survey aims to gather general information on how tissue traceability is managed in North America. Furthermore, the data from this survey may be used to prepare a broad public survey about the chain of custody gaps between tissue retrieval and tissue implantation. The closing date for responses is May 15.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, some ocular facilities reported an approximately 20% decrease in the number of transplants and patient recovery. In addition, some hospitals reported to have canceled elected surgeries; thus, the need for tissues decreased. NATTAG is looking into the possibility of publishing an article that captures the global implications of COVID-19 for the industry.
Since November 2021, the NATTAG Discussion Forum has been active in Loomio. The purpose of this forum is to provide an all-in-one platform where members can carry out discussions on proposed additions or changes to the ISBT 128 Standard and collaborate to reach a consensus.
Jelena Holovati
Albert Anouna – BioGenetics Corp.
Rhubella Arata – One Legacy
Esther Carbon – RTI Biologics
Jennifer DeMatteo – Eye Bank Association of America
Robin Fowler – LifeLink Foundation, Inc.
Mark Friedman – AxoGen, Inc.
Kip Hanks – American Association of Tissue Banks
Mohamed Harunani – American Dental Association
Becky Holman – DCI Donor Services Tissue Bank
Manager RA & QC -
Ken Lotherington – Canadian Blood Services
Eric Nagel – Solvita Blood Center
Mike Poole – LifeNet Health
Elkin Vasquez – Vivex biologics
Technical Experts
Diane Wilson
Geoff Browne
Melissa Burt
Jeff Dragoo
Sharon Joyner
Andrew Keelor
Brian Kirkpatrick
John Kling
Paul Lehner
Susan Tibedo
Scott Brubaker – U.S. Food and Drug Administration / Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Barry Daniels – Global Medical Device Nomenclature
Izabela Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewicz – ITTAG
ICCBBA Staff Liaison
Mónica Freire