For HCT/Ps that are regulated as a medical device, the Multiple Device Identifier Checker allows a user to check the validity of a list of ISBT 128 Device Identifiers (DIs) provided in a data file (.txt file). This tool also interprets the Facility Identification Number and Product Description Code elements of each DI.
Intended Audience:
This tool is intended for US tissue banks or cellular therapy facilities that produce human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products (HCT/P) that are regulated as medical devices by the FDA. The tool may also be of use to software developers and label vendors that provide products for these facilities.
Instructions for use:
Download the Multiple DI Checker here Version 1.0 xlsm* (675 kB):
*The Multiple DI Checker is a Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file (XLSM) and is compatible with versions of Excel 2007 and newer (it has not been validated for older versions of Excel).
Create a text (.txt) file that includes a list of DIs and save it locally to your computer. A line break must be used to separate each DI. A text file that contains an example list of DIs can be downloaded here:
Example DIs data file – Text File (618 B)
Open the Multiple DI Checker. Select “Enable Editing” and "Enable Content" when prompted by MS Excel.
Click the “Select Data File (DI List)” button to select the text file that contains the list of DIs that need checking.
For information on ISBT 128 and the UDI, visit the Medical Devices subject area by clicking the button below.