Europe, Middle East, and Africa Technical Advisory Group
The Europe, Middle East, and Africa Technical Advisory Group (EMATAG) expanded its reach to Africa in 2011. However, the original core group was established in 1997.
The purpose of the group is to:
Enhance and expand the ISBT 128 Standard for use with blood components in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa;
Provide advice and support to facilities introducing the ISBT 128 Standard;
Generate, review, and comment upon proposed changes to the ISBT 128 Standard and its supporting documents;
Prepare educational material and tools to support the implementation of ISBT 128; and
Promote the adoption of the ISBT 128 Standard in their region as well as globally.
Jolanta Antoniewicz-Papis has been appointed as the new Chair.
The group may be considering how it can contribute to a larger external project on developing standardized inventory status codes and uniform definitions to support traceability and hemovigilance, and the role in which the ISBT 128 Standard could play in establishing it. Industry user input is needed to determine what information or status codes need to be tracked.
EMATAG discussed the role of ISBT 128 beyond labeling- this includes standardized terminology, reference tables, and standardized electronic messages for the transfer of MPHO product information from one facility to another. ICCBBA has produced major work products correlated with moving beyond the label including ST-020 – ISBT 128 Standard for XML Electronic Messaging; ST-026 – ISBT 128 Standard for the Medical Products of Human Origin (MPHO) Unique Identifier; ST-027 – ISBT 128 Standard ISBT 128 Dictionary of Standard Data Elements IG-048 – Implementation Guide: MPHO Unique Identifier; BiologicallyDerivedProduct – HL7 FHIR/USCDI.
ICCBBA has published the following electronic messaging documents: ST-020 – ISBT 128 Standard for XML Electronic Messaging; ST-026 – ISBT 128 Standard for the Medical Products of Human Origin (MPHO) Unique Identifier; ST-027 – ISBT 128 Dictionary of Standard Data Elements; IG-048 – Implementation Guide: MPHO Unique Identifier.
EMATAG plans to meet on a quarterly basis.
ICCBBA is incorporating the use of Loomio to facilitate asynchronous TAG discussions.
Jolanta Antoniewicz-Papis
Mohanad Abu Alhassan - Sudan
Laila Al-Shaer - UAE
Önder Arslan - Turkey
Jorge Condeço - Portugal
Heidi Goubran - Egypt
Sveinn Gudmundsson - Iceland
Galina Hanstein - Estonia
Dinie Hoentjen - The Netherlands
Ína Björg Hjálmarsdóttir - Iceland
Jerry Orlin - Israel
Landrö Ragna - Iceland
Reem Al Radwan - Kuwait
TBD - United Kingdom
Zoe Sidera - Cyprus
Kevin Valletta - Malta
Janak Zumbrunn - Switzerland
Technical Experts
Jørgen Georgsen
Antonio Salat
EBA - European Blood Alliance
Martin FitzGerald - GS1
Renata Rocha
Jean-Paul Roger
Bruno Rousselin
Stephane Sajot
Leif Sandvik
Rosanne Scerri
Serge Tabet
Susan Tibedo
Daniel Waurzyniak
Milena Weis
Daniel Wiman
Will Willman
Denise Borg-Aquilina
Piotr Bratek
Aurélie Delos
Claess Henning Sørensen
Stephen Henry
Kent Kirimli
Raj Kumar
David Luedecke-Kobiki
Laurence Marie
Wayne Miller
Stuart Morris
John Muircroft
Sarah Richardson
ICCBBA Staff Liaison
Erwin Cabana