Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024
Theme: Connecting the Dots: Traceability - the Cornerstone of Blood Safety
Moderator: Faten Moftah
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ICCBBA is the international standards organization responsible for the management and development of the ISBT 128 Standard.
The acronym ISBT was originally derived from the important role played by the International Society of Blood Transfusion in the development of the standard. Today it expands as Information Standard for Blood and Transplant. The number 128 reflects the 128 characters of the ISO/IEC 646 7-bit character set.
The acronym ICCBBA is derived from the International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation.
For More Information
Press Contact:
Email: support@isbt128.org

Christina Salinas
Global Development Manager, ICCBBA