The Eye Bank Technical Advisory Group (EBTAG) consisting of representatives of the European Eye Bank Association, Eye Bank Association of America, Eye Bank Association of Australia and New Zealand, Eye Bank Association of India, Asia Cornea Society, and the Pan-American Association of Eye Banks, have developed a global standard terminology to describe ocular tissue for transplant.
The group began meeting early in 2010 and agreed to the following goals:
• Create and publish a nomenclature that will be endorsed by the professional groups represented;
• Review the coding of this terminology within ISBT 128;
• Agree on standardized labeling;
• Determine if there is need for a consensus standard for ocular tissue;
• Determine the mechanism for on-going maintenance of the terminology; and
• Promote the use of ISBT 128 for ocular tissues.
Summary of Recent Activity
EBTAG discussed the coding of ocular tissues that are considered non-clinical. As a result, the group approved a proposal to add the following:
• Attributes Iris, Lens, Posterior part, Retina, Aqueous humor, Vitreous humor, and Optic nerve in a new “Type of Non-Clinical Tissue” Attribute Group
It was also decided that ISBT 128 codes would not encode the product’s quarantine status with an Attribute.
ICCBBA reported to have received registrations from countries in Europe and Asia and a registration from South Africa. It was also discussed how to best introduce ISBT 128 labeling to products in South America and India.
The Eye Bank Association of America has mandated the use of ISBT 128 for products shipped internationally in its accredited eye banks.
Meeting Info
No face-to-face meetings are currently scheduled for EBTAG.
TAG Members
• Diego Ponzin
• Samar Basak – Eye Bank Association of India
• Jennifer DeMatteo (Alt.)– Eye Bank Association of America
• Mark Mannis – Associação Pan-Americana de Bancos de Olhos
• Kristin Mathes – Eye Bank Association of America
• Louise Moffatt – Eye Bank Association of Australia & New Zealand
• TBD – European Eye Bank Association
• Donald Tan – American Cancer Society / Association of Eye Bank of Asia
Technical Experts
• Patricia Dahl
• Ken Lotherington
• John Kling
• Pang Chia Li
• Cristina Mazzacurati
• David Steiner
• Safa Karandish – U.S. Food and Drug Administration
• Izabela Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewicz – ITTAG
ICCBBA Staff Liaison
• Mónica Freire