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Vendor Name:

Pharmed Medical Industries

Contact Name:

Cyrus Miandashti, Managing Director

Vendor Address:

No. 44, 4th Floor, Saadat Abad St., Tehran, Tehran, Iran 1998836791

Pharmed Medical Industries


Blood Collection


Regions not available


Pharmed Medical Industries was founded in 2010 and came into operation in 2011. It is located in the Alborz Province in Iran. Pharmed is a pioneer company in the region, which is designed to optimize the production of medical equipment such as different varieties of soluble hemodialysis, dialysis blood lines, fistula needle, sodium bicarbonate cartridges (or bag), and dialyzers catheters in compliance with legal requirements and related regulations, and in order to meet the need of a healthy community. Also, this company produces a large variety of blood containers like single, double, triple and quadruple containers with modern European machinery with part of them equipped to leukofilter. The company purchases its raw materials, soft goods, and equipment from companies having international certificates, which are mostly North American and European, companies. Pharmed applies the latest international standards of production, with the attitude of international integration; in order to achieve lasting success on the path to excellence.

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