IHN, ISBT and SHOT Collaboration

The purpose of the survey is to gather data on traceability practices worldwide. The responses will help inform and guide regulations, practices, staff training, audits, and other related aspects of traceability on a global scale.
The survey only covers blood components such as red cells, platelets, plasma components, whole blood, and granulocytes. It does not cover plasma derived medicinal products such as albumin and immunoglobulins. Traceability is important for these medicinal products too, but they are not being covered as part of this survey.
This survey is made up of multiple-choice questions that should take approximately 30 minutes of your time to complete. Participation is completely voluntary.
The survey has now ended. Thank you for your participation.
This is not an ICCBBA survey. Participation in this global survey is being coordinated by the International Haemovigilance Network (IHN) in collaboration with the Haemovigilance Working Party of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) and Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT UK).
If you have any questions about this survey study, please do not hesitate to contact:
Email: secretariat@ihn-org.com
ISBT Email: drgpatidar@gmail.com
Email: SHOT@nhsbt.nhs.uk
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ICCBBA is the international standards organization responsible for the management and development of the ISBT 128 Standard.
The acronym ISBT was originally derived from the important role played by the International Society of Blood Transfusion in the development of the standard. Today it expands as Information Standard for Blood and Transplant. The number 128 reflects the 128 characters of the ISO/IEC 646 7-bit character set.
The acronym ICCBBA is derived from the International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation.
For More Information About ICCBBA:
Press Contact: Christina Salinas
Email: support@isbt128.org